
Neuroscience in Education - We are all wired differently - Week 4

Page history last edited by Flávia Uhlmann 12 years ago

Hello, everyone!


Here goes my reflection on Tasks 3, 4 and 5 (a poem) :


Task 3: Temple Grandin - Thinking in Pictures.


Really amazing how our brains are wired! Grandin's studies reveal how she was committed to understand her own  visual thinking process, let alone to come up with other autistic thinking ways (pattern and word) . I really want to see the film which seems very inspiring to us, teachers, in order to be more attentive and reflective of our teaching practice, and thus more selective when choosing the material we are going to use in class.


Another amazing story on how our brain works, and which I want to share with you, is about Artist Neil Harbisson,  who was born completely color blind, but these days a device attached to his head turns color into audible frequencies. Instead of seeing a world in grayscale, Harbisson can hear a symphony of color -- and yes, even listen to faces and paintings. See this www.ted.com video in which he explains his learning process.


I'll be glad to have your comments here.





Here goes my reflection on Task 2 -


The Present Perfect Tense.


I've created a lesson plan so that students could visually  trace a parallel between the Past (their prior knowldge) and the new structure - the Present Perfect (its first use), by means of a time line. To bring a little more awareness, based on the example sentences given, I'd check if students (my target here is business people) understood the basic difference by asking some questions. Then, I'd present the structure in questions, affirmative and negative sentences, and finally I would ask sts to watch a Youtube video by teacher Jennifer. See below.


Speaking Practice: The next class I'd bring more scrambled sentences or questions, so that students could unscramble them. Then, I'd invite them to ask questions of their own (I'd first brainstorm possible verbs they could use, based on the video they watched).


Reading / Writing Practice:  I'd select a number of short articles with gaps so that students could provide the correct verbs and their form. 


The Present Perfect Tense.docx




Task 5: Challenges ahead!


Be creative all the way through

Is the lesson for me and you,

And so their best teachers will do!


Reflecting on the brain:

Synapses, lymbic system and the like

Teach us how much attention should we retain.


Different learning ways:

Thinking in pictures or

Listening to colors

Make us all unique beings

In this Universe of ours.


So, teachers, be alert

To choose the best path,

As it is a long journey

of challenges ahead.





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